Imagine to splashing water to your family, friends and everyone! Yahoo!! I was very delighted to experience Songkrun with my good friend. Obviously, we prepared to get Wet! I was so curious and excited to experience World's First Water Fun with many playful and naughty runners. Songkrun Malaysia was getting great response from the public!

Songkrun held this event to be FIRST Asia's biggest Water Fun Run and music festival for second edition during Songkrun Year 2017. It had an infectious and energetic loading of music with splashes of water and there was 4000 participants who take part to join the Songkrun at MAEPS Serdang, Selangor on March 26 with splashing water + music themed. Let me share my amazing experience about this event, Songkrun 2017.
In the early morning, my good friend and I went to Songkrun and surprised when many runners had been there in early morning already. I was glad that we managed to find the parking slot because of the limited slot so that's why we came there earlier as I had mentioned earlier. Next, we went to collect our racekit at the booth. Wow!
Many people queued up to collect Water Guns, Racekit and Ticket Purchase on the event. Anyways, everything was going smoothly. Especially those shooter was very happy because they got their water shoot gun then played and splashed water to their friends. Even we got our waterproof pouch where we could keep our smartphone and purse to getting rid of the wet due to the water. Despite we did not get any water gun because we were from standard category. As there was 2 types of category such as standard and shooter. So it had different category that could be seen very clearly. All of us would enjoy to run, play and splash through 5 KM.

At the same time, we really enjoyed to explore the sponsors booth such as Ultron, GRAB, Ballop, Revive, KPJ Medical Centre, MyNews, KK Gorup, 3ciety, Viral Cham, Easy Uni with Pacific Regency Hotel Suites, Celebrity Fitness and Line Clear. This Songkrun organized by Six Foot Yellow Worldwide together with Fac3Entertainment. Besides that, there was several foodtruck that runners could eat or drink while waiting the flag off time.
Well, there was two flag off wave which was 8.30 am and 9.am. Otherwise, we were very surprised to meet one of my old friend and ex-classmate in my primary school where she was working for Easy Uni with Pacific Regency Hotel Suites booth so suddnelly. So we have to chat a while because we did not meet for a long time.
Anyways, it was a great to see my friend who was doing good. Then we continued to explore the booth and saw that many runners love to splash water to their friends despite the flag time had not started yet. I figured out that many runners were first timer especially teenagers took part for Songkrun also. We just enjoy to see their excitement to play and splash the water!
Especially this event become more awesome because Daikin Malaysia presented Songkrun 2017 have filled with a great music by DJ Lady Anna, DJ ANRK, DJ Chuckiess and Whackboi who make this situation was getting crowd, energetic lively, fun and enjoyable and work up by Celebrity Fitness with Zumba, Rock Music + Dance infused Workout!
Wow! Suddenly, a star war came and we grabbed our chance to capture photo with him. He was so cool! I discovered that many runners who were young adults. So that's why this run was not very competitive for running but they keep busy to playing and splashing each with other in stead.
While we be ready and excited to flag off at START line otherwise, it was not happened as what we expected, it delayed the time to flag off. My good friend kept to ask me, why it had not started yet! So funny! At the same moment, a mini helicopter where recorded us so we just waved our hands so enjoyable.
Firstly, we did not get wet so easily because every runners would splash water to their own friends only. Unless they know us, they would splash water to us! Haha. So we just need to passing through 5 water zones along 5KM because most of them walked and played with water so much. The weather was getting very hot and make us felt hot and burnt! Really never expect that we felt hot that time. Few minutes later, somebody splashed water toward us lastly. So everyone get wet from a head to toe.
Till we spotted that the cute mushroom caught our attraction of eyes, to make us happy. So we took photo with that mushroom meanwhile all shooters were very busy to refill the water into their water gun! WoWW!!! A crew used the water hoses to splash water to all runners. So all of us got wet so easily. No anybody could escape from the sparkling water! What a funny thing was some runners splashed water to cameraman and crew. They got wet themselves too. So funny when see their funny expression! Cameraman covered their camera to capture the photo or video for Songkrun Water Run Event!
In addition, I spotted that one of the runner was so funny, asked every runners did not take a short path to walk, he advised us to walk to the correct path. No such shortcut to escape! Otherwise, few runners took a shortcut for the path then they splashed water each with other no matter who they were. Despite my friend and I did not use the gun but we just enjoyed to explore so enjoyable. They splashed water toward us as well!
Till the last zone where we had to enter the black plastic hole. My good friend and I thought that it was water shower but we got it wrongly. Haha. A crew used the water hoses to splash us so strongly! Anyways, we shocked to see a beautiful zone where there was different colour of umbrella hang on the skies and leaded us to FINISH LANE! Yahooo! We completed 5 KM and got the medal lastly.
Wow! Many people enjoyed to splash water each with other non stop! One more funny thing was when somebody kept to splash water to us when we tried to take photo at FINISH Lane with our beautiful medal! Obviously, every participants having a lot of fun and positive spirit to dance and splash water at the same moment. It created the outdoor bonding moment with family and friends.
Overall, I felt great about this Songkrun but I just hope that I could have a water shoot gun then could play with my friend, it would be more best and great to have a fun! Anyways, it was wonderful event this year. I really enjoyed it so much. Looking forward to see Songkrun next year!
If you would love to know more about Songkrun, just check out at http://www.songkrun.com and email to info@songkrun.com. Share the Fun and Happiness! The more the merrier. There is more upcoming event in ASEAN, next Songkrun with your beloved one. No worries, if you miss this event, you just follow up with the latest information in Songkrunwebsite as what I have mentioned earlier.

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