Conquered the City of Kuala Lumpur @ Score Run 2017 Malaysia

Score Run 2017 - Conquered the City of Kuala Lumpur was back! Really never expect that Score Run organized it in the short time where it held on 9 April 2017 after Score Run 2016 got a great response from the public. Anyways, Score Run did very well and had been successfully to organize the best event and entertained many runners who took participate for this Score Run 2017. It was not easy to organize the event within few months only. Imagine that Score Run organized the event on 30 October 2016 and 9 April 2017. My good friends and I were very excited to join this Score Run 2017 again.

Wow! We got our special T-Shirt with our printed name again. So cool! It was my 2nd time to have my printed name on t shirt. By the way, I noticed that there was so many people who familiar with their printed name on T shirt already. There are the limited time to purchase T-shirt with the special name for those runners who purchased for Early Bird Promo only. Luckily, my good friends and I grabbed our chance to get our special t shirt so early. By the way, I prefer Score Run 2016's T shirt mostly.

My good friend, Kimberly was in hurry to START LINE because she took 21KM. Meanwhile my good friend and I had some time to explore different sponsors booth such as Perskindol Malaysia, Nestle Fitnesse, Columbia Asia, Brooks, Revive, Massimo and many more. Of course, there are few food trucks provided the refreshment and beverages as well.
Not only that, Score Merchandise had sell t shirt, apparels and accessories for those people are interested to buy it. They can use cash rebate to purchase it at the booth. Wow! Perskindol represented different product that it helped to lossens and warms the muscles even prevented muscle aches and spasm. Especially some runners curious to see the bike which sponsored by Biken. I spotted that some runner did not have their printed name on t shirt due to the limited promotion as I had mentioned earlier.

My good friend and I love to explore around this surrounding while waiting the flag off time. Anyways, this event got a lot of sponsor if compare with last year's event. There was getting more crowd and more lively and energetic. There was 3 different race categories; 21Km, 12Km and 6KM had different time to flag time such as 5.30am, 6.00am and 6.30am. There was a filled fun where the runners wore light green t shirt so it was bright color around the situation. Quite different if compared with last year's event.

Wow!! There was so many runners who can't wait to run with their spirit at START LINE included us as well. What a cute mascot and few VIP launched the marathon to flag off with the loud and enjoyable music who played by the drum group. It indicated that it ready to RUN!! Yahooo!! Start to Run! Run!! During 6 KM route, there was some runners who bring their family and children to run together. It was a sweet memories for a lovely family who encouraged each with other. It leads a high spirit and positive mind to complete the marathon together. Awesome!

I was happy to conquer the city with the beautiful view of tall building such as KL Tower and KLCC around the City with my good friend. Besides that, few runners who love to selfie during the route. Obviously, we grabbed our chance to selfie together. So Cool! Once we reached at FINISH LANE, we were very happy that we completed 6KM and receive the beautiful medal. The medal was quite NICE and BEAUTIFUL.
Then we went to the refreshment booth! We were very thirsty and need to get ICE MILO which was my favorite drink. Really never expect that there was so many runners queued up to get MILO and refreshment. Wow! First time, we got a FREE ice cream to cool our thirsty. Then we continued to explore the booth and meanwhile we waited for my other good friend who had not complete 21KM. As it was not easy to complete 21KM and it was more tough! Lastly, she completed her 21KM. Clap clap to her! After we waited for one hour! Definitely, my good friends and I wefie together before go back! It gave me a wonderful day to spend time with my good friends.

As the result, it was quite great and we enjoyed to experience to conquer the CITY again. Thank you Score Run! Score Run did very well for organizing the great event and entertained us with different sponsors. I can't wait to looking forward to see Score Run 2018 next year!

Oh yes, I have upcoming marathon. Curious to know what is my next marathon that I join? Please stay tuned! Keep Calm and Run ON!
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