Walk On the Journey Of Cinderella Story in Score Cupid Run 2016, Kepong

Score Cupid Run 2016 is back on this year!
My wishes became true! Score Cupid Run was back finally. Too excited and can't to see the fairytales themed on Valentine Day dated 14 Feb 2016. What a funny thing was I could not sleep well before woke up at early morning. My heart just extremely excited. So funny! Wow! Around 2000 participants took part for the sweetest fun run ever at Kepong Metropolitan Park, Kuala Lumpur. You guys must be wondered what was my wishes? Curious? One of my wishes was very happy because other good friend joined me and Selina during Score Cupid Run on this year. Their appearance make my heart smile. Pretty simple!

My friends and I explored around the booths in the park
Even it make me recalled back all of my sweet and precious memories as what we went through the thin and thick and obstacle in our life for throughout years. Time flies quickly when I took a glimpse to recall back about it. So I was very graceful to have them as my good friends in my life. It was my pleasure to meet up with my good friends during Score Cupid Run 2016. Anyways, the romantic run was really captured everyone's heart to join the awesome event and make everyone's heart become sweet and smile.

They are selling the T-shirts, bag, etc
Thank you, my good friends for making my day become more beautiful, more shine and meaningful on special day. Despite this event had combined with Chinese New Year celebration however most of runners included us enjoyed to spend our time to explore the fairytales themed. SO sweet!

Brooks - Score Cupid Run's sponsor
Luckily, we were not too late to come to Kepong Metropolitan Park so we had a little time to explore the booth before the flag off started. There was 3 waves of flag offs held to allow runners gain better experience in each pit stop during the romantic marathon. The flag off times was on a first come first serve basis which was 7.30am, 7.40am and 7.50am. This event was really attracted many runners who came from different group such as spouse, family, friends, children and couples. Score Cupid Run did very well to organize the wonderful event and make all runners fall in love with new themed during the event.

Wow, many people queued so long at Sweet Hut booth
First time, my good friend, Selina and I were very happy to wear our fairy tales T shirt contained the cute design and displayed meaningful sentences which named Glass Slipper Trail for this year. My friends are happy to get it too. We love a very beautiful and nice design t shirt so much. Once we arrived the park, there was a lot of runners had been there so earlier.

First time I saw this artist do a fake tattoo on their arms.
So we explored the booths around the Kepong area park, then we saw many people who queued up at the Art Tattoo booth. Wow! No wonder the runners are excited when they get a free fake tattoo which put on their arms, hand and etc.
My good friend, Selina decided to put an eagle tattoo - really cool!
We are power girls with strong tattoos!
Of course, we never miss it out. There are getting the different design of tattoo;such as Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Hello Kitty, Score Cupid Run, Superman, Rose, Tweety, Eagles and many more. We can get what are our favorite tattoo as we like. So all of us got different design of tattoo on our arms. So beautiful and cool!

Otterbox mascot promote their brand of case for the smartphones. Cute!
Wow! Cutie Otter Mascot took photo with us. That mascot was really cute! At the same time, we knew that the last waves flag off so we joined the runners who gathered at Start Line. So energetic and lively. It was great when saw many runners wore light green and pink t shirt together around the park. So beautiful colorfully. We managed to welfie together. We could not wait to explore and experience 4 magic activities which was Cinder, Fairy Godmother, Pumpkin Ride and The Dance-the Glass Slipper Trail.

They explained how to play games to win their heart of sisters!

Meet Cinderella's sisters!
Firstly, we reached at the first pit stop which was Cinder. We shocked to see that many people queued up so long in order to take photo with those wicked step sisters at 1st pit stop. Wow! So this time we experienced life before the magic occurred. So that why we captured our most unforgettable memories and experienced life before magic at The Cinder!

Let's put your coin to make your wish in this well!
Couldn't wait to see how we turned into after the magic and the fairytales started. Besides that, there was a fun games for runners who interested to play at the booth. Wow! There was a well decorated around the beautiful flowers so romantic. We could make a wish in the well so that our wishes will come true, fulfilled and granted. Many couples love to take photo happily at the well. So sweet.

We are happy to meet Elana again!
Till we dumped my blogger friend, Elana. Happy to meet her again. Thus we took photo together. Throwback, we dumped each with other during Score Cupid Run 2015. So funny! Time flies quickly.
My Fairy Godmother who cast her magic on me!
After that, we continued to walk and run slowly to the next pit stop which was Fairy Godmother who transformed us into beautiful princess after we experienced the life. So happy when met Fairy Godmother and took photo with her so nicely.
We are happy to pose together so beautiful!
We enjoyed to relax down...
Even we enjoyed to explore and took photo together behind the beautiful decoration on a background. We become more happy after we turned into pretty and sweet princess during the journey.

First time my friends saw a very beautiful lake!

Never miss this beautiful spot!
During the run, the view of lake captured our eyes and it was the most beautiful lake that we could fall in love at the romantic park. So we enjoyed to shoot a very beautiful photo on the beautiful lake in our fun of spirit.

Wow, I like to ride on the horse...
Anyways, we continued to walk to 3rd pit stop which was Pumpkin Ride. Wowow!! There was a cute Horse brings us a ride at Pumpkin ride. So Great to experience to ride. Make our heart more happy and sweet! We had a fun time to ride. Thank you, a cute Horse who bring us to ride around the beautiful lake with blue sky! We enjoyed this ride. What a good day! That why many couple love to take photo so much and non stop.

Happy to express that we become cute princess!
We enjoyed to ride on our bicycle together...

Yahoo! We excited!
In addition, there was bicycle and trishaw where we could ride at Pumpkin Ride also. We enjoyed to ride around the park. So enjoyable.

Congratulation to this couple!
At the same time, we became witness that a guy tired to proposed to his girlfriend and make each runners shocked and gave the support and clap clap to them after his girlfriend answered "YES" after that guy asked her "MARRY ME?". These time was very sweet. Definitely, every girl love that surprise proposal. It was my 2nd time to witness the sweet and romantic moment. Same occurred during Score Cupid Run 2015. I wondered whether the date was easy to remember so they want to make a romantic during Valentine Day. Maybe many couple would did the same thing next year? Just wait and see next year!

Thank you to Score Cupid Run 2016!
Finally, we walked to the last pit stop and danced with the prince charming so happily. Then we got the cute and beautiful medal. We really love interlocking medal. Many couple were very happy after
received a special interlocking medal and hold hand together.

Wow, so beautiful medal!

We happy to completed our 5km route in the Kepong park!
The medal was an unique because it could be combined into one heart. As the result, there was precious and sweet moment during fairytales themed.

See you again for Score Cupid Run 2017!
I had a wonderful time and experienced the fairy tales theme story. It was really enjoyable and amazing event organised by Score Cupid Run. Thank you very much, my good friends. Really appreciated your precious time to join me for the sweetest run ever during Valentine Day.

Happy Valentine Day!

For me, Valentine day was not a day to celebrate but we can say that Valentine everyday. So great! Can't wait and meet you, Score Cupid Run again on next year, 2017!



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