Time flies so quickly. It is the time to say Good Bye to Year 2016 and welcome Year 2017. Throwback, what is my accomplish goal during year 2016? Definitely, there will be always have an up and downs during the journey of year 2016. Well, I have a lot of sweet and precious memories even bitter memories in my life. Well, I have some wishes and goal that I have not achieve in year 2016. Give up for my goal? Absolutely, I will forward it to year 2017 to ensure that my goal come true. So it does not stop me to dream a big desire or goal as I believe in myself that my desire come true. What I have experienced through this situation, it is quite amazing and wonderful feeling ever I felt that my miracle will happen when I believe in myself. Really impressive!
Make a wish on the shooting star before tomorrow is new day!
I believe that many of you have a desire and dream and work hard and put a lot of your effort to make sure that your wishes will be accomplished and achieved however you might not accomplish the goal as what you expect. By the way, you just continue to work hard to achieve the goal in Year 2017. Of course, I do! I love the quotes which is "Do not give up to accomplish the goal and chase the dream and make it happen". I always be graceful to my lovely family and wonderful friends who brings the beautiful sunshine in my life. In addition, They inspires me indirectly. So I am truly thankful to my lovely family and wonderful friends who give their support and always be at my side when i am down or sad.
I have many stories where it is really inspiring me during throughout year 2016. By the way, all the memories always fresh in my mind and heart. Really meaningful and valuable. All of my stories can be discovered in my previous post where I enjoy and have meaningful and precious memories. I insist that I always graceful to have my lovely family and amazing friends who fill their love and happiness in my heart. No matter what is the obstacles arises in my life however I appreciate their encouragement from sincere heart. So I would like to say thanks so much to them. Oh yes, I mention about "Thank You" again! No doubt, gratitude is one of my important thing where I apply it daily. It is my sincere heart. Besides that, I always love the motivation and inspiration quotes. As it is quite good for me to be motivate myself. Obviously, I always believe that GOD will bless us!

A lot of words that I can't describe how much percent I go through the ups and downs as I think that everyone will face this situation as what I do however I am truly appreciating that I gain more knowledge, skills, experience and lessons from my amazing friend who inspires me indirectly. As I believe that magic will make me a surprise everyday. So I always being to be happy and gratitude in my silent heart. Definitely, I want to say thanks so much to my family and friends for their encouragement, understanding, patience and thoughtful. Anyways, I am truly graceful and delighted to have my lovely family and wonderful friends who make my life has filled with the happiness, joyful and excitement throughout year 2016.
Lastly, I would like to say thank so much, all of you who read my blog. May your life will be filled with abundance, great health, happiness, joyful, amazing, luck and success for your journey in year 2017. Obviously, I will work hard to make sure that my desire will come true as what I wish! With my inspiration, spirit, confidence and motivation! Can't wait to see my wishes to be true very soon!
"To be daydreaming is enjoyable"
"Do not give up about your dream"
"You get a brilliant idea from your dream"
"Dream a big is wonderful feeling"
"Purse your dream to be happen and turns into a reality!"
"Make a difference"
~Woan Koon~
Thank you for a wonderful & fabulous Year 2016 and looking forward to see more a wonderful & fantastic journey in year 2017. A great day starts with the beautiful smile.
Happy New Year 2017!
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