"Beautiful Me & Beautiful You" Workshop @ Penang YMCA Deaf Club - Happy International Women's Day

What a lovely day! I attended a virtual event called "Beautiful Me & Beautiful You" via ZOOM, which was hosted by the Penang YMCA Deaf Club on March 5th, 2022, from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. It is a pleasure to have special guest speakers, Ms. Kim and Ms. Sue, who share about Women's topics in order to understand Women's topics, and we are honoured to celebrate International Women's Day together.

Despite the fact that only a few people attended this event, there were a few interesting topics related to women. Ms. Kim and Sue shared their knowledge and experience with all of the participants, allowing them to build their confidence and self-esteem.

Even they began to enjoy to interacting with Ms Kim and Sue by asking and answering questions about the subjects. It encourages them to speak their minds and express their opinions. It leads them to be inspired by one another. As a result, they are more confident in their ability to freely express themselves.

In my opinion, every woman is a wonderful lady, whether she is well educated or not, because she has her own unique talent, ability, knowledge, and experience. Therefore, they will always be a source of inspiration for equalising women's roles with men. 

Overall, the event is the most wonderful event I've ever attended. My pleasure to meet all participants and nice to meet them via ZOOM. I am proud to be a Woman as well as Deaf Woman. Happy International Women's Day to all Women. 

Thank you very much for the door gift, Penang YMCA Deaf Club is a non-profit organisation that provides youth with opportunities to bring empowerment of self-confidence and promotes Deaf Community unity. 

You can find out more about them on their Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/PENANGYMCADEAFCLUB



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