Love to eat@Health eating habit

Love to eat a various of cuisines? When I see many meals in front of me, Am I drooling? Of course, I do. I believe that you will do if these foods is attracting you to consume. Well, Eating is the one of the most important part for our life and we will eat it daily no matter what is the kind of foods has been served. Other than that, we need energy to do our daily duties in our life. Without these foods, we can't imagine how we can survive at the earth. Therefore, we can't apart with it. There is a lot of various foods which we can crave.

Everyone included me want to live a happy, healthy and long life. The best method is to adopt healthy habits and consume fresh and healthy foods. No doubt, we can enjoy to consume a various of foods. But it would be great if we can prevent diseases that we could get due to poor food habits. That's why prevention is better than cure when we realise that we fall ill and unhealthy and many more. So it is important to have a health diet in our life. It can't deny that many delicious foods can attract us to consume it. As can as long, we know how to maintain our body to stay long healthy. Few reasons that we need to adopt to have a healthy eating habit.

Weight Maintenance
Consuming a balance diet will help you to control the proper weight. Normally, those people who have over weight or obese will experience the risky which is to acquire serious illnesses for example, diabetes and high blood pressure as we know. In order to get the required body which is to suggest to eat the healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables because of low unhealthy fats calories

Reduce the risk to get a Cancer
Mostly there is a lot of proccessed food products contains many chemicals and fats. Consume it daily which is leads to increase the risk of accquiring cancer. To avoid this, You should nourish fresh products for example, fresh fruits, grain and fresh vegetables. Normally, these kinds of meals have a low fat and prevent the risk of getting cancer and gain weight also.

Management of Diabetes
Obviously, there are various levels of diabetic but for this case, we just need to focus on stage 1 and 2. Normally, most of the patients who have this illness and adviced to observe  a balanced diet. Intake of vegetables and fruits, vegetables, white various meats such as fish, and grain which is to stabilize and raise the one's glucose level for individual who is suffering from the illness

Prevention of Heart Disease
According to world statistics, heart diseases is the most frequent leading killer diseases. Normally, heart illness is happen because of a lot of fat gathering around the heart. The fat blocks or inhibits the circulation of blood which can easily lead a heart attack hence death. So everyone suppose to consume foods which has a low level of fats such as grain, vegetables and fruits which is a very good for health

Sustain Regular Growth
For every parents, maintaining of normal growth to a child is very important. This because it shows that a child grows in good health. No doubt, a healthy children put a smile for his parents. Mostly, young kids are very good at imitating what adults do hence, it is the duty of every parents who train their children for consuming healthy eating habits. It leads them maintain a healthy diet in the future

As the result, we do not need worry whether the food is good for our health or not. As can as long, we know how to maintain our body and know what is healthy foods level. Do not stop to consume everything which is leads a risk for our health. Just intake it sometimes. It would be alright. Remember that we enjoy to consume it, our life will be more beautiful  and enjoyable always. 



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