Be HERO in DC Comics Super Heroes Cafe, Sunway Putra Mall, Kuala Lumpur

You can look for the Superheros Cafe which is located at the level two, Sunway Putra Mall 
I had a fantastic day. Wow! There was a must cafe that I wanted to share with you all especially for those fans would like Super Heroes so much. Dreaming and Looking for SuperHero themed Cafe to chill out in Kuala Lumpur? Yahoo! Your dream come true because you will meet your favorite Super Heroe's meals and beverages. Curious? Well, I excited to explore this cafe. Over exciting? Let's going to explore and see what was inside the cafe. It named DC Comics Super Heroes which located at Sunway Putra Mall where was recently refurbished and renovated and it turned in the big transformation.

Limited Edition of DC Comics Super Heroes
Throwback, Sunway Putra Mall was Yaohan where my family and I always visited it since I was kids. All the memories was still fresh in my mind right now. It turned into a stylish and cozy shopping mall if compare with few years ago. Maybe some of you might remember about Yaohan's image. Okay wow! When we reached at DC Comics Super Heroes, there was a DC boutiques where you can shopping and find all the DC Comics Super Heroes stuffs even the limited editions. So that's why this place had two section which was dining section and shopping section. So cool!

Cool counter has many Superman and Batman stuffs!
If you are Super Heroes fans, just come and pay a visit to this shop. It would satisfy your demands. Wow! There was an interesting and attracted me to see around it. Most of the decoration which related to Batman and Superman stuffs. There was a counter which displayed all the menu photo. Really attractive.

I enjoyed to be relax in this cafe while I was waiting for my order, and take free water from Batman counter.
Despite the dining area was not big space however, this place was surrounded around DC Comics Super Heroes themed decoration so we enjoyed to take photo around this cafe. Even I saw other customers enjoyed to take photo on Super Heroes stuffs also. This cafe provided the limited choice of meals and beverages so we decided to share our meals and beverages. The price was a bit expensive however we were happy to dine at  DC Comics Super Heroes so enjoyable and fun. Super Heroes was one of our toy since we were kids. I always watched it on TV channels when I was young. I imagined that Super Heroes would save us when we need their help however I was only daydreaming at all. DC Comics Super Heroes stuffs's colour still same.

Batman Special: Chicken Cheese Sausage
We ordered the meals named Batman Special, Chicken Cheese Sausage priced RM18.00. The burger was big which contained the sausage, salad, pineapples included the mayo sauce. So cool when the Batman logo on the burger. The taste was still delicious at all.

Gotham Guardian - Ice Chocolate Drink
Kryptonian Exodus - Hot Latte Coffee
Superman and Batman are friends, right?
Finally, the drinks served. We were very happy when saw the Batman art on the drink which was Gotham Guardian priced RM18.00 and Superman art on the cup named Kryptonian Exodus priced RM15.00. Once we drink it. So cool and delicious.

The Superheros toys, stuffs and deco also be displayed in the cafe, so beautiful!
What an interesting thing was we imagined to become SuperWoman and SuperMan and try to rescue people from the danger. We become childish and chatted so enjoyable. So funny! You could wear the clothes and stuffs to become Superman and Batman for fun. Wow! Kids and adults love this so much for sure.

You can sit at outside cafe if the dining area is full
Come to take photo with Superman and Batman? Do not miss the chance to explore DC Comics Super Heroes Cafe. If you are Super Heroes fan, just come to visit and shopping at this place. you will excite when meet your favorite stuffs and buy it. Sounds great. However, if you love to dine at DC Comics Super Heroes, you just need some time to wait in order to get your meals and beverages. Overall, we were exciting to explore this cafe. Super Nice and Interesting. If you would like to know more about this cafe, just check it at DC Comics Super Heroes

You want to dine in Super Heros? Then imagine be JUSTICE Hero when you enjoy to bring your family or friends!
DC Comics Super Heroes
Sunway Putra Mall
Unit 2-29, 2nd Floor,
Sunway Putra Mall,
50350, Jalan Putra,
Kuala Lumpur.



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