Out Of Concept @ Laman Rimbunan, Kepong in Malaysia

What a wonderful day! It is a special day because we have a gathering for chat chit. So we are looking for a place to hang out and absolutely, we want to have a hi tea time at the same moment. Well, I find the Laman Rimbunan street until the Out of Concept cafe really caught my eyes as I noticed about new cafes are booming in Kepong. Anyways, my good friends and I love to explore new cafe and decide to choose this place to hang out and chat chit for hi tea time. Curious? It is Out of Concept and it located at 1st floor along the Laman Rimbunan street. Maybe you can call them as "Showroom" Cafe because everything looks like in the showroom! Those people who live in Kepong, this place is the best recommendation if you want to have a meeting or have a leisure chat-chit and many more. Let's explore about this special cafe.

Wow!! It is really beautiful and stylish interior design in this cafe. The concept of this cafe is quite unique and special so that's why it gives me a warm feeling and relax around this cafe. Even it is big spacious. In my opinion, the owner is very creative and want to make this place look likes a showroom because I spot that there is showroom has printed on the label on some goods. Anyways, I love to explore about this environment because there is a lot of decoration and showroom around Out of Concept. So I take a chance to snap the photo because I think that it is quite good to capture!

Wow! I never expect that there get a meeting table where it is suitable for people who have meeting or discussion so easily. I spot that there is a fridge get so many magnet which put on the fridge and it is really attractive and interesting.  Wow! There is a cute cat can be called as Maneki Neko where it welcome us and it brings good luck and wealth to the owner of Out of Concept. Anyways, it is really cute when stand beside the cups in the display counter. There is also a bicycle and photo frames displays as well. Not only that, there is also a lot of decoration will be displayed where it captures and win the customer's heart to explore about this special cafe.

I believe that many of you would love to hang out and have a meeting with the comfortable environment. So it is very suitable for the gathering, meeting, discussion or studying. Besides that, this cafe provides the service such as party or special event. You can check out at their Facebook as I will put the Facebook Page below. So you can browse about it more detail if you curious.

Wow! The Menu is very simple as it provides the light meals and beverages as we choose different beverages and waffles for our hi tea time. It is very worth to dine in Out of Concept. Wow! Passion is the fruit's price is RM 13.90. Despite it is a bit expensive however the original fruit where it has a lot of benefits and good for the health as we know. It is quite nice when drink it! So if you like fruit drink, just order it directly. Oh yes, there is few wine bottle on the drawer, I think that it real wine however it is not wine but water in stead. So I can drink water as it is free in charge. As you want to drink water, just take it on the drawer or ask the waiter to pass the wine bottle to you when needed!

Anyways, I love to drink tea, Charmomile with Lemongrass. It is RM 10.90. It is tea pot where few people can share to drink as what we share it together. It is quite nice and we love it. Of course, we drink it so much. There is few types of tea can be choose if you love to drink. No worries! All tea is quite nice and can relieve our mind and feeling. Maybe it can make us sleepy!

Other than that, my good friends and I have a chance to taste their signature waffle which is RM 11.90. When bite it, it is not very soft waffle and feel cool in my mouth because it get one scoop on the waffle and butter where it put inside between the waffle. Quite delicious!

Best drink - Matcha mixture, RM12.90. It has a few step before can taste Matcha mixture. My good friend enjoy to pour it slowly and we taste it together once it complete to pour!

Firstly, pour the milk into the Ice Cream and then pour the Green Tea a bit and slowly. Do not pour it at all. Because we need to test and taste whether it is quite nice to taste or not. If not, continue to pour a bit more till get a satisfaction. That's how it get Matcha mixture perfectly. Enjoy it so delightfully!

As the result, my good friends and I are truly enjoying it so much at Out of Concept. Definitely, I will come back to Out of Concept next time. If you interested to know about Out of Concept, you may drop a message in their Facebook which is at You should pay a visit at Out of Concept if you would like to take a leisure!

Out Of Concept
145-1, Jalan Rimbunan Raya 1,
Laman Rimbunan Kepong,
52100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-6179 2755



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