Take Away And Eat Teochew Bak Kut Teh @ Restaurant Grandpa Selayang

Aww...My family and I are craving at Bak Kut Teh at home during Movement Control Order (MCO) period. Obviously, we are very happy when we enjoy to eat it after take away from this restaurant. There is a restaurant named Grandpa Restaurant where it operates from 8.00am till 1.30pm and 5.30pm till 8.00pm during MCO period. You can pick up and take away nearby Selayang and Kepong area. Especially anyone of you who stay nearby. It is highly recommendation to eat Bak Kut Teh from the Grandpa Restaurant at Selayang! They offer the take away service if you stay at Selayang or Kepong area. Remember, you have to stand between 1 meter when you have to wait for the take away since we need to practice the social distancing during MCO.

I love this Teochew Bak Ku Teh so much since it has the savory, aromatic and healthy because they used the quality herbs for enhancing the flavor. It is quite different from other restaurants. Due to their Teochew Bak Kut Teh style so the soup is not very thick. Other than that, the signature dishes which is Claypot Curry Fish Head, Preserved Vegetable and many more. You should try it out.

You may read more story at my previous post at

If you never try this Teochew Bak Ku Teh, it would be best when you try to experience it yourself. You will love it. You can check out at their Facebook Page at

Anyways my family and I really enjoyed to eating Bak Kut Teh at home during MCO. Let's us pray together and we can fight against Covid 19 this moment. 

Just enjoy to stay at home and have a precious time with your beloved family!



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