HAPIMOMS Lactation Cookies, HAPIHEROS Natural Baby Cereal

Do you know anything about HAPIFAM products? It is a nutritious and healthy food intended for growing children and lactating mothers. HAPIFAM introduced HAPIMOMS and HAPIHEROS products as well as a unique flavour palette. 

HAPIFAM is determined to put things right. Eating well is high priority for living a healthy life since it is the first line of defence against sickness and disease. If you need medical attention, it indicates that your body has been damaged by the different risks that we face on a daily basis. HAPIFAM, a mashup of "Happy" and "Family" is a homegrown Asian brand that recognizes how nutritional foods may work as disease prevention. Our healthy product line, which includes special formulas, is aimed at specific members of the family such as growing children and lactating mothers. 

HAPIMOMS is a delightful and healthy delicacy that helps mothers-to-be and breastfeeding moms get through one of the most exciting times of their lives under the HAPIFAM brand umbrella. HAPIMOMS Lactation Cookies are prepared with natural ingredients that our in-house dietitian and food technologist have thoroughly investigated and selected. These cookies are created with fenugreek, Brewer's yeast, fennel seeds, organic coconut oil, blueberries, and other healthy ingredients to help moms increase their milk supply and make breastfeeding a joyful and stress-free experience.

Hapimama (the character) is an Asian mother who is strong, independent, and healthy. Hapimama is devoted to her family and kid and only wants the best for them. She intuitively understands that a happy life requires a healthy lifestyle and nutritious foods. She is optimistic, trendy, and always understands what is best for her and her family, just like the modern Asian mom. The original and all-6me favourite chocolate chip; our wonderful tasting brownies; and a non-chocolate choice – mixed berries – are among the flavours available. Our goal is to make two people happy: mom and baby.

The HAPIFAM umbrella also includes the HAPIHEROS brand. The HAPIHEROS cereal series, designed for children aged 6 months and up, features unique Asian flavours and is our way of ensuring that our most precious ones grow up strong and healthy. Original rice, mixed fruits, purple sweet potato, and beetroot & goji berries are among the foods we serve to guarantee that our children develop the same palate as their parents.

We want the best for our children as parents. As a result, we've made sure that our HAPIHEROS cereals are high in DHA, which helps young children's brain and eye development. Our cereals also include multigrain, which aids digestion, as well as the essential prebiotic and probiotic levels for a healthy immune system and the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

Furthermore, our cereals are all-natural and maltodextrin-free, as well as heavy metal-free. As future heroes, Hapiboi (character) is an enthusiastic, powerful, lively, and healthy tiger cub who represents everything we want for our children. He gives joy, laughter, and cheer to the family, much like our small ones.

More information about HAPIFAM and its’ products can be found on HAPIFAM aspires to be a spokesperson for our healthy Asian way of life and meals, paving the path for increased acceptance of Asian products. "Healthy and delicious" is our strategy.

HAPINFT is a unique NFT initiative developed by HAPIFAM. Our limited edition NFT collection includes more than just a digitised collectible; it also includes free membership, special invitations to HAPIFam events, free merchandise, vouchers, and more.

Aww....Thousands of HAPINFTs up for grab!!! HapiBoi Feugo, HapiBoi Hydro, HapiBoi Rocky, and HapiBoi Bolt are the four characters featured in the first edition of HapiNFT. Each figure represents a superpower derived from one of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Each one has a unique tale and meaning that is intended to illustrate HAPIFAM ideals. You can either keep it or sell it on the NFT marketplace.

HAPIFAM is already shaping the NFT market as one of the few FMCG companies to recognise the metaverse's potential; and, as mentioned in our 2022 roadmap, we intend to penetrate the metaverse to further grow our influence. Thousands of NFT cards will be thrown into HAPIHEROS boxes at random. When you buy our products, you can be one of the lucky few who gets the minted NFT cards.

HAPINFT has partnered with Enjin, one of the most trustworthy and user-friendly platforms, to streamline the redemption process.

HAPIMOMS lactation cookies and HAPIHEROS cereal range are available for purchase at or Hapifam's official store on Shopee and Lazada for RM39.00 and RM19.90, respectively. HAPIMOMS and HAPIHEROS will also be available in a limited number of specialty stores and pharmacies throughout Klang Valley.



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