STAY AT HOME To Prevent the Covid-19 @ Malaysia

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that the world face this difficult and critical situation. It is very serious issues cause everyone worry so much because we have to face this situation on this year 2020. Mostly some country implemented the concept (Lockdown). Anyways, my country, Malaysia had implemented (Movement Control Order - MCO), mean the "Partial Lockdown" from 18 March 2020 till 31 March 2020. According to my Prime Minster's announcement on 25 March 2020, Malaysia's MCO extended to 14 April 2020.

During Movement Control Order (MOC), STAY HOME is the most important that we played our responsible, in order to prevent the spreading of Covid-19. If you not stay at home, maybe you don't know that you are sick since you don't have any symptoms, and can carry the coronvirus to others. That is why the prevention of covid-19 are our most priority in our life!

According to WHO and Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia information, everyone of us MUST follow the instruction as below!
  • Wash your hand with water and soap frequently/use hand sanitizer
  • Disinfect frequently touched surfaces regularly
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
  • Increase ventilation by opening windows
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing and dispose tissue directly
  • Stay at home when sick
  • Avoid to contact with sick people
  • Call the consult if you have any inquires and have the symptoms

How to detect the Covid-19 Symptoms;
  • Fever
  • Headaches 
  • Muscle Ache
  • Cough
  • Breathlessness

If you go out when necessary to buy essential items during this period, you need to make sure that you use the mask and buy the necessary groceries including wash your hand often after touch the surfaces. Make sure that you avoid from crowd people/crowd place. Practice the social distancing where you need to stand with the people surrounding within 1-2 meter. Besides that, avoid to travelling and crowded area. After that, you go back home immediately.

Once you reach home, you MUST do the other instruction as well!! Please OBEY this rules!
  • Must remember that NOT contact close to your family members first. Read the steps below;
  • Remove the face mask, then dispose this mask in the plastic and throw it in the trash
  • Avoid touching/hugging your children and family members
  • Go to the toilet and take off the clothes and soak in the soap
  • Take a shower with soap. Clean your face, hands and whole body.
  • Then interact with your family

This is very important to clean yourself first. It reduces the spread of the infection to your family. Remember and practice this RULES daily! Overall, we must be responsible and STAY HOME. We are in the same boat this moment. Let's us endure and overcome the situation together successfully! Please FOLLOW this rules! We just stay at home. Stay calm and stay safe! Praying for our country and each of the country of the world.


Remind your family and friends to follow the instructions. Please share this instruction with your family/ friends and anyone. 

Lastly, we always be thankful to the front liners; doctors and nurse, who do their important roles to save many lifes. They give the important message "I Stay At Work For You" and " You Stay At Home For Us" to the public. It is the most touching message because they take their risk to battle with Covid 19 and save many people who infected by Covid 19 this moment. They work hard to save many patients non stop.

To win the battle of Covid 19 in the war, we do our part life - STAY AT HOME and don't go out if there is NO essential/necessary. Please practice the step by step as I write earlier. To avoid your boredom, you can spend time with your beloved family, for example, you do a variety of activities in home where you can learn new things together. Let's us do this together for our nation and praying together. WE SURE CAN DO IT!

If you want to read the latest updates about Covid 19 Live Update, you may check out at and World Updates) and Updates)

You may check out about the latest infomation in Malaysia(Covid 19 Updates from our Ministry Of Health Malaysia) at and



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