Understanding Deafness Workshop @ GSC Cinemas Malaysia

Credit Photos to GSCinemas 

I would like to tell you about a special event which occurred last year. It was such a beautiful day. I am thrilled and honored to have been invited as a guest and part of this fantastic event titled "Understanding Deafness: A Diversity & Inclusivity Workshop", which happens on 10th December 2022 at GSC Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur and is a collaboration between GSC Cinemas Malaysia and RC Deaf Missions Malaysia to raise public awareness and understanding of the Deaf Community and Culture, as well as the significance of Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM).

Credit Photos to GSCinemas 

BIM is essential for the Deaf community, but it also raises awareness among the hearing and general public by allowing them to communicate with the Deaf, thereby lowering the communication barrier. It also makes them less nervous when they meet Deaf people. BIM is a sign and natural language used by Deaf people to communicate on a daily basis.

According to Sharmine Ishak, Associate Senior Manager, PR & Branding, this workshop raises awareness about the lack of JBIM in the Deaf community. He hopes to see more companies collaborate with RC Deaf Missions Malaysia because RC Deaf Missions Malaysia focuses on improving Deaf livelihoods, raising awareness about the Deaf community, and providing BIM courses. Aside from that, he and his team are delighted to be a part of this meaningful event because it expands their understanding and awareness of the Deaf community.

According to Agnes Peter, Founder of RC Deaf Missions Malaysia, the goal of this workshop is to change the audience's and public's perception of Deaf people and help them learn and understand more about the Deaf Community and culture despite the fact that they know little or have read the news about Deaf life in the past. In any case, this workshop provides them a better understanding of the Deaf community. 

In the workshop, Kimberly, a Deaf interpreter who works part-time for RC Deaf Missions Malaysia, instructs hearing students taking the BIM course. She discusses the importance of understanding the BIM and the Deaf community and culture. There are a few topics that are discussed, including Sign language, Hearing Loss Grades, the Deaf Community, and Deaf Culture. 

There are also terms for "Dos and Don'ts when interacting with the Deaf." Deaf and Dumb, Deaf and Mute, or Hearing Impaired are commonly used terms by the hearing and general public. However, it is not appropriate to refer to or use these terms when referring to the Deaf. Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Late Deafened should all be encouraged terms to use. The audience is thus only aware of the terms and the reasons why they cannot call Deaf using these words. In any case, this term should be encouraged to spread to the public so that they know it. There are also some Deaf Inspiration stories and an empowering quote, "Deaf Can Do Anything Except Hear." Few Deaf people can continue their education until they reach university. It proved that Deaf people can do everything that hearing people can do.

A Deaf Lady guest named Gejaletchumi shared her reality and personal experiences in her life's great challenge and discrimination in her working life. particularly when she first started working after passing her interview and she never received any guidance or training from her ex-boss or colleagues. They simply asked to read thick notes but she had no idea what to do or how to work on her first day and so on. Even her ex-boss scolded her and demanded that she finish her work? As a result, she was not happy and cried every day. She could not stand it any longer and informed her mother. She has decided not to work there any longer. On the other hand, her mother encouraged her to remain patient. 

Her cousin came over and discussed her problem with her. Her cousin brought it up with her ex-boss. Finally, her cousin showed her how to do the work, and she understood what she was doing. She has finally been working for a few years. This demonstrates that hearing people should not scold Deaf people for no reason due to communication barriers and discrimination, but should instead guide them politely. It has an effect on us, especially on those who are moved to tears.

To be honest, this story is very common in the Deaf community, and it is one of the issues where all Deaf experience the same feelings that are ignored by the hearing and public. There are many real stories that have not been revealed or shared with the public because each Deaf has a different story but in a different situation, but what they experienced is the same as what Geja shared earlier. Although Deaf people appear normal to those who hear, the majority of them are ignored because of hearing disabilities such as mine.

Credit Photos to GSCinemas 

Despite the fact that it is a short workshop, it is quite impressive and useful. I believe it inspires everyone and it indirectly helps us to spread awareness about the Deaf community and culture.

Looking forward to more workshops and events like this that will raise awareness of the Deaf community and culture. We hope to see more films about the Deaf community in the future. Thank you for collaborating on a meaningful workshop with GSC Cinemas Malaysia and RC Deaf Missions Malaysia. My good friend and I had a great time at this event.



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