Sotipsy, Malaysia s First Alcohol Online Store With 30 Minutes Delivery To Customers

Cool! Nowadays many customers/shoppers love to purchase the products through shopping online and it is definitely becoming an increasingly popular trend in Malaysia. Looking for a selection of the liquor beverages through Internet in the fast paced nation? Good News for Alcoholic & Beer Lover!! Ever you heard about Sotipsy before?

Sotipsy, Malaysia's first alcohol marketplace and the platform of e commerce website where it provides a variety of liquor beverages such as beer, wine, whiskey, gin, vodka, tequila, cognac and many more. Especially Sotipsy can satisfy your demand and desire by delivering your favorite beers, wines and other beverages. It is the highly recommendation to explore if you plan to purchase a bargain of the alcoholic drinks with the discount price for a special occasion such as party, event, birthdays, graduations, wedding and others.

Currently, it operates to deliver in Kuala Lumpur & Selangor throughout Klang Valley and it will expand to other regions within the country and South East Asian region in the future. In addition, Sotipsy is the ideal solution for you because you can shopping online by clicking the shopping cart in its website. Thus, you do not need to take long time in order to search and buy it at the shop anywhere. You just need to choose and click your favorite beverages within few seconds and it will be directly to deliver to your doorstep in 30 minutes. After that, you will receive it and enjoy your favorite drink with your family and friends at your house, party and many more. Easy! I will recommend this Sotipsy to my good friend since she is heavy drinker!

"It already operates in Malaysia and has plans to launch in 3 other countries in the region including Singapore and Thailand by the next year" and "the company will raise new funding for the new market", CEO of Sotipsy said.

Not only the customers, but Sotipsy give the opportunity to the retailer/merchants to expand their business in the market wide trends. One of the best example, C Chateau Restaurant and Wine Bar has partnership with Sotipsy and gain new customers and boost their alcohol sales by selling online through Sotipsy. So that's why clients and corporate can purchase the alcoholic drinks for an event especially they may check out the selection of the beverages where they would like to celebrate for the party. Even Sotipsy can track down and give the tips to C Chateau on what the customer's want. Obviously, you need to check the stock and quality products.

Overall, Sotipsy provides a quick, simple and reliable ordering of alcohol through shopping online with efficient and hassle of free. Especially it gives the opportunity for the merchants/retailers who interested to increase their sales through e-commerce.

If you interested to know more about Sotipsy, you can check out at and their Facebook Page is at Share this Sotipsy with your family and friends who love to drink alcohol beverages. Just relax and enjoy your life!



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